We Hire Humans, Chapter 7

Nobilis Reed

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Aliens & Monsters
Science Fiction Romance
Chases, Escapes, and Oral Sex


Chapter 7

Six Five Nine came out of the food area. “Come with me,” he said. “We are discussing our next actions.”

“There is no next action,” said Starlight. “Except to wait for rescue. You know this, Six Five Nine”

Other xenos floated up behind him, holding onto the walls.“We insist,” said Six Five Nine. “There is an important matter to discuss.”

We went into the feeding area. Two large xenos, one of whom had been a client, were holding the limbs of another of Six Five Nine’s people, immobilizing him. His halo was missing. A dozen or so other xenos clung to the walls. I didn’t need my halo to sense the tension in the room.

“You believe Four Six Six, was the spy,” said Starlight, gesturing to the immobilized xeno.

“It is certain,” said Six Five Nine.

Agreements flashed around the room. One of them held out a halo sized for one of their people. “This was altered,” he said, pointing to a metal bit affixed to the inside, where it would be pressed to the wearer’s body.

“It is wished to examine your halos,” said another xeno.

I gripped Starlight’s hand. “Will we get them back?”

“If they are unaltered,” said Six Five Nine.

I pulled my halo off and held it out. Six Five Nine looked it over, passed it around to the others. Starlight did the same. When I got it back, I put it on and gestured to the metal bit on Four Six...


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