We Hire Humans, Chapter 6

Nobilis Reed

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Aliens & Monsters
Science Fiction Romance
Judith is transformed to resemble an alien of Starlight's race. Tragedy ensues.


Chapter 6

Setting off Starlight Basker’s mating instinct had started a hormonal change that made him horny all the time—horny and distracted. And his job required constant vigilance.

Six Five Nine stood still and silent in my studio.

“I didn’t know!” I pleaded.

“You had no way to know,” he replied. “It was an accident. A chance interaction. It could not have been foreseen.”

“Okay, sure, but what do we do now? If I have sex with Starlight I distract him, if I don’t he gets horny and distracted.”

“Our Friend, Starlight Basker, and others are working on a plan. In the meantime, you have other clients to see. I will inform you when Starlight needs your services again. In the meantime, please do not attempt to contact him.”

“If Starlight’s job is so critical, why is there only one person on Our Friend who can do it?”

“I am not permitted to provide that information. You may return to your usual duties.” He called for Our Friend to bring him to the High Organ, and left on strands of green energy.

I sat down on the mattress and held my head in my hands. I had so many questions. What kind of danger were we actually in? Was it ongoing? How much trouble was Starlight in?

And how was I supposed to see clients like this?

I went to the Grand Organ, hoping that food would help calm me down. I gathered up my usual meal, sat down, and...


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