Three Martini Lunch: It's His First Time, But Not Hers

Estella Lumos

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Threesome (MMF)
Public Sex
Straight or Heterosexual
Three’s no crowd when Sarina tells her best friend and business partner a little tidbit about her private life — yep, she’s been part of a one plus one plus one. Dax is stunned, but intrigued. So, what’s a best friend to do but help him out with an invitation to a night at the Crown, the exclusive, members-only club where the “toys” are plentiful and the members swing from more than just the chandeliers. It's his first time...but not hers...


“That never happens in real life…does it?” Dax cut his laugh off right in the middle to give her a long, hard stare, his green-ice eyes going dark as his pupils dilated. “Sarina?”

Sarina took her time answering by sipping her ice-cold martini and savoring the liquor’s crisp bite. She set her glass on the table between them and, instead of replying with words, shrugged. Dax sat back in his chair and ran a hand over his short-cropped black curls. The table rattled.

“It’s just for porn movies.” He sounded unsure. They’d been talking about the plot point in one of their favorite shows, and the conversation had somehow turned to the topic of threesomes.

Sarina shrugged again and dipped a breadstick into the small pot of marinara sauce. She needed fat and carbs to soak up the alcohol already rushing through her system. The first martini had gone way too smooth and way too fast. She’d have to take the second a lot slower.

“Sar,” Dax said insistently.

Finally, she relented. “Yes, it happens in real life.”

“Dang.” He leaned forward, shaking his head. His eyes narrowed, and he met her gaze. “You’ve done it?”

For some reason, this tickled her into a bevy of giggles that bubbled up and out of her. Courtesy of the martinis, maybe, but also her partner’s expression. She and Dax had been friends since middle school, and she’d lost count of how many times over the years she’d somehow managed to stun him...


User Reviews


Sweet and spicy

I really enjoy this story. I do love a good friends two lovers and throw in a sex club...*chef's kiss"
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