There were a lot of things Daisy Cooper hated about her job, but the flashing neon sign up ahead of her wasn't one of them. All You Can Eat. It flashed over and over, a beacon of red blaring in an otherwise pitch-black sky. Sonny must have just turned it on.
Sonny was good at that. Turning things on. Her, for instance. As Daisy twisted the wheel of her big rig toward the beckoning, welcoming sign, she couldn't help the huge grin that spread across her face. The rumble strips designed to let sleepy drivers know they were entering the parking lot of the Come and Go Diner sent vibrations straight to the hot spot between her thighs and made it throb with delicious anticipation.
That was another thing she didn't hate about her job. Her truck, the cab of which was painted a vibrant purple and gleaming gold, shook like hell. Long runs were like sitting on top of a giant vibrator for hours on end. Hell, there were times she creamed her panties a good six or seven times by the end of the day, and that was just if she were going a few hundred miles.
Daisy eased her big rig into one of the long parking spaces in the otherwise empty parking lot and shut it down. She took a moment to smooth her hair and straighten her skirt, to tuck in her blouse and unbutton the top three buttons. Then she shucked off her comfortable...