Kink So Real, Chapter 1: Amazon

Gloria Brame

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BDSM (Dominant & Submissive)
Dive into a world of doms, subs, and the joys of kinky chosen families. It's the story of life itself, filled with passion, laughter, grief, sorrow, and joy and lots of steamy kinky pleasures!


Either life reinvents us or we reinvent ourselves. Jax chose the most radical path of all: to become who she was. She transformed her nature into her destiny. She tenderly nurtured it until kink was her normal. She filled her life by building a family of the heart. In helping them, she helped herself. She became their Matriarch and they became her fortress. Inside the walls, she planted a garden of love and all shared in the harvest of the fruits of her labor. Her stories are their stories and their stories are here.


How the holy flaming fuck did I get here? But she knew. It was all about choices. One choice after another choice,

and boom, she was a middle-aged married woman with two kids and three dogs in a smelly New York apartment barely big enough for them all.

Oh! And there were wrinkles and gray hairs and a pain in her belly that wouldn’t quit. Maybe a hernia, maybe constipation. But try to find a doctor during a plague! Impossible. This was her life now. She was the living, breathing embodiment of a cliche, just with a kinky twist. Gone were her adventures with passionate strangers. Now she dreamed of finding toilet paper at the store. What a fucking world.

Jax cast a cold eye at the ugly weather she saw from the living room window. “Dammit, but oh well,” she sighed quietly.

Lunch with Carmen couldn’t happen. It was pea soup out there. Fog...


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