Heartstrings Part 2

Jules Behrens

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Damsel in Distress
Fairy Tale
Forbidden Love
Wholesome & Closed Door Romance
Fantasy Romance or Romantasy
LGBTQ (Lesbian)
Graphic Violence
The wilds around the cities are dangerous, but unlikely allies Felis and Gertie find out how much more dangerous the city can be, especially at court. Especially for wild folk unaccustomed to lying. The girls protect each other the best they can, Gertie with soothing words and political stature, Felis with her unpredictable textile magic. And occasionally a knife. They both seek safety, and struggle to exert control over their own lives; the hardest part is figuring out how to do it together.


"Where are you?' Gertie said in a loud whisper to the mostly-empty shrine. It held her, Felis, and a fat calico cat. All friendly company. Felis came out.

Gertie threw her arms around her and gripped her tight, like Felis was something precious she was afraid had been lost. When she pulled back she said fiercely, "Why did you stab him? I'm sure he had it coming, but why?"

"He choked me," Felis said, and raised her chin, showing off the faint bruises beginning to bloom.

Gertie gasped. "You have to come back with me. We'll show them what happened -"

"And who will take my side over that of your lordly fiance?" Felis said with a sigh. "Men like these aren't interested in justice, or what is true. They are interested in what will gain them the most power. They will look right at these bruises and declare they see nothing. I don't know that it even enters their mind that what they do is wrong. They don't care."

"There might be some," Gertie said. "We have to try!"

"No," Felis said, "we don't."

Gertie stared hard at her, accusing with glistening eyes. "You're leaving," she said, forcing the words out through a choked throat.

"Come with me."

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"I have … duties! Responsibilities! People who care about me! I can't just run out on them like they don't matter."

Felis' heart clenched for her friend. She drew Gertie over to her bench and sat. The...


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