Take Me to Church

Titus Androgynous

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LGBTQ (Lesbian)
Oral Sex
In a vibrant Toronto neighborhood, Sarah encounters Em, a charismatic and androgynous pilot. She finds herself captivated by Ems confidence and charm, leading to an intimate connection that challenges her perceptions and awakens new desires.


“Excuse me, I’m looking for Church Street.”

I approached the tall man on the corner. He turned to me and I saw that he was young. Maybe 18 years old. 22 at most. Dressed smartly in an argyle sweater and tie, I wondered where this kid was headed. A shock of curly hair stuck out from under the brim of his tweed flat cap. He looked like he’d just stepped off the set of a depression-era film. He was certainly handsome enough to be an actor. He smiled, his baby-soft cheeks spreading up to wide cheekbones. His chin jutted forward.

“It’s just a block this way. I’m headed there myself,” he said and started walking.

I followed, surprised at his confidence as he swaggered along the sidewalk, escorting me, a woman at least twice his age. He looked at me again, a grin turning up the corners of his mouth, a gleam in his eye. Was this kid flirting with me? What was he thinking? Embarrassingly, I felt myself blush and smile in response.

“What’s your name?” he asked, surprising me again with his forwardness.

“Sarah,” I answered. “And yours?”

“Em,” he responded.

“M? Just the letter? Cool!”

He giggled. “No. Em. E-M. It’s short for my full name.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s your name?” I asked, wondering why he hadn’t just told me outright.

“I don’t always tell people, because my name doesn’t always fit me right. But I guess I’m telling you. It’s Emily.”

Emily? I almost stumbled. This...


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