Kink So Real, Chapter 2: We're Only Old Once

Gloria Brame

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BDSM (Dominant & Submissive)
The second chapter of Kink So Real introduces readers to the family's Elders, a triad of senior citizens who are still deeply engaged in maintaining their kinky life despite the cruelties of time. You meet Mistress GiGi, a former professional dominatrix who chose self-imposed exile abroad to escape stalkers and haters who tried to interfere with her life. She brought two permanent partners with her, a man and a woman close to her age and dedicated to serving Gigi for the rest of their lives.


You can be old in numbers yet as young as playful kids at heart. Your body may show the scars and wrinkles of time but your spirit

can remain forever adventurous. Life is not linear in the end, it advances in infinity loops, moving forward and backward and side

to side as long as you learn to adapt to change and grow your mind.

On a sunny street in the middle of the world, where birds sang and flowers bloomed, heavy doors concealed the secrets behind them, just as they do all around the world. So if you peeked through a small window on the door of house number 2024, you’d see a spacious foyer. A table with a crystal vase on the right. A carpeted staircase on the left. Nothing unusual to be gleaned here because these residents hid their true lives from the world behind curtains and partitions and a few sound-insulated walls. Their true lives were kinky lives, and as their resident Matriarch declared, “Ain’t nobody’s business what we do in here.”

This particular day would be memorable, though it started as it had always started for 43 years. Gigi, the Matriarch, woke first, donned her standard morning attire of black leather slippers and a black satin robe, passing by the small window next to the front door, and, by habit, peered outside. She didn’t like visitors and had a small plaque saying “No Solicitors” to ward off Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other door-to-door salespeople peddling their...


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