Good, Clean Fun

Richard Bacula

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Casual Hookup
Straight or Heterosexual
A laundromat attendant catches a woman using one of the machines to masturbate. Since nobody else is around, they have some fun.


It was her laundry day, so she was wearing sweats and a t-shirt. No bra. I could tell, because I could see the dark outlines of her areolas through the thin fabric of her white shirt. No bra... but she needed one. Her tits were big.

I watched her out of the corner of my eye as I swept the floor, and I checked out her curvy ass as she bent over to dump her load of clothing into the machine.

I wanted nothing more than to yank down those sweats, and dump a load of my own into her. I doubted that she had any panties on underneath. I love easy access.

At one point she dropped a quarter, bent over to pick it up, and I got a beautiful view of the valley between those big breasts of hers, as they hung loose and free under her shirt.

She saw me looking, and she smiled, then looked away.

After the machine started up, she stood next to it, leaning forward to watch TV. She smiled, even during the commercial, and after a while I realized why; her crotch was pushed up against the corner of the washer, and every time that machine pulsed, thrummed, and vibrated, it was rubbing against her pussy.

She was masturbating. She was doing it discretely, acting casual and innocent, but she wasn't. And I was the only other person who knew.

After a while, the other customers left the laundromat while their clothes...


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