Jessica scanned the appointment list for her next client: ‘Karen Adams, 45 mins, bikini + leg’. She groaned out loud and glanced up at the large clock on the wall behind the reception desk. She had just five minutes to compose herself and prepare the room for Karen. There would be 45 minutes of pain and then it would all be over for another four weeks. Of course, the pain would all be Jessica’s: Karen Adams was one of the most annoying, obnoxious and difficult women Jessica had ever met. She slammed the appointment book closed and rushed upstairs to check the wax was up to temperature and everything was in place. Then she adopted a pretend smile and steeled herself for Karen’s arrival.
The worst bit about Karen Adams was her complete lack of respect for her own or anyone else’s dignity. ‘Hubby’s whisking me off to Barbados!’ she announced as soon as she was through the door. ‘I want my vag clean as a whistle.’ Then she popped a couple of ibuprofen, kicked off her shoes, and pulled her skirt and knickers down. She left her clothes in a pile at the side of the treatment table and climbed on top. ‘Right, let’s get it over with,’ she said and opened her legs wide.
Jessica grabbed a towel and draped it over Karen’s middle before bending down to pick up the discarded clothes and shoes and move them to the chair at the side of the room....