Lucinda Makes a Splash

F. Leonora Solomon

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Holiday Romance
Damsel in Distress
Contemporary Romance
Straight or Heterosexual
Introverted Lucinda is a design genius who manipulates text like a pro—she is good with machines. But it is hard for her to break out of her shell. Maybe her sexy editor colleague can help her. If she can make it look good and he can make it sound good—surely they can make it together?


Lucinda was at the café after she had been working on the latest book cover for the Valentine’s Day splash on the website for a long time. She had been working from home, but needed to leave her apartment once in a while to get coffee from the café.

She loved that her company had decided to get rid of their physical office once the rent went up and decided that everyone would work from home. Even though she had never minded coming into the office, she loved working from home so much more.

Her goal was to avoid people and get her coffee as quickly as she could. How in that simple plan did she end up running into Zed? Even though she knew that she might run into him.

Zed was her coworker who he was always trying to get her to come and work with him at this cafe. Normally she just had coffee at home, but her craving for their new seasonal cotton candy latte made her leave her apartment.

It was the season, it was love season.

The pink latte concoction was the right color, even though cotton candy had nothing to do with love day.


Lucinda turned around and smiled awkwardly at Zed, her tongue already dipped into her cotton candy latte foam.

“Hi,” she smiled, as he grinned at her.

He always looked at her with an amused smile.

“You came out of your apartment?!”

“I have covers for the Valentine’s Day...


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