It’s barely dawn when I wake up, the first whispers of pale light peeking through the gap in the curtains, the first tentative notes of birdsong in the distance.
I’ve been dreaming, and the dream wants to become words on paper.
I often have these ideas arrive while I’m asleep and know I don’t have long to commit them to the page before they begin to fade away with the night.
But as much as I want to leap from bed and head straight for my laptop, I also can’t quite bring myself to leave our cosy cocoon in too much of a hurry.
Snuggled into his warm side, his arm around my back holding me close, his chest moving up and down with every breath under my palm. His face is relaxed, the wrinkles of stress he came home from work with yesterday smoothed away from his forehead, and the faintest hint of a smile tilting his lips upward above the line of his enticingly stubbled jaw.
Placing the softest of kisses to his shoulder I ease myself out of his embrace, trying not to jostle the mattress too much as my feet find the floor.
Pulling on my robe as I cross the room, I pause in the doorway to look back.
I smile to myself. God, this man. How did I get so lucky?
More than blessed to find my soulmate in every way. He listens, we laugh, he understands (or at least indulgently tolerates) all...