Cardinal Virtue

J. R. Lesperance

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Second Chances
Contemporary Romance
LGBTQ (Bisexual)
Paranormal Romance
Romantic Suspense
Straight or Heterosexual
Mental Illness
Police legacy Lara Nadeau finds herself exiled to Eastfall, a small New England town just outside of Salem, Massachusetts. After the murder of a local high school teacher, Lara is thrust into an investigation that will reveal otherworldly secrets and force her to come to terms with her own demons. It just so happens one of those demons wears the face of her ex-girlfriend and another has the face of an angel in the guise of her boss' son.



The quiet of the building settled around his ears as he sat behind his large, oaken desk. The historic center of Eastfall, Massachusetts loomed behind him, a scenic view through the floor-to-ceiling wall of windows. It had been hours since his secretary had gone home, but he still remained. It was no easy feat, his job. Neither was it easy leading a clandestine organization that had been in existence for hundreds of years.

Heavy lies the crown and all that…

A quiet tap came at the double-doored entrance of his office. Being CEO of a multinational corporation afforded one certain luxuries. A spacious and ornate workspace being one.

“Enter,” he called toward the door.

In stepped another man who had once been the CEO’s proudest recruit. Over the past five years, his protégé had grown too comfortable in his position. Too ambitious. The CEO would never admit that the fact others agreed with his protégé rather frightened him. It was a challenge to his authority.

He detested challenges to his authority.

“Evening, sir,” his protégé greeted, stepping into the room and crossing the distance between them. He stood before the CEO’s desk, hands clasped at the small of his back.

“Was there something I could help you with? I was unaware we had a meeting.”

“We didn’t. But I wanted to try again to convince you of my plan.”

Ah yes, his protégé’s plan. The foolhardy plan to complete a ritual that has not been verified or attempted ever...


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