Call Me Cub

Patricia Ray

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Age Gap
BDSM (Dominant & Submissive)
Contemporary Romance
Dirty Talk
Erotic Romance
Exhibitionist & Voyeur
Short and Steamy Femdom FM Age Gap Romance In The Box, twenty-something Alex from Belgium has spent countless nights yearning for Serena's attention—a captivating American woman in her forties with an air of quiet command. After her night shifts, Serena escapes to The Box, a virtual chat space where inhibitions dissolve, and fantasies take shape. Drawn in by her magnetic presence, Alex eagerly follows when she summons him into her private chat rooms.


About Stories from The Box

These stories take place within a captivating visual chat environment known as The Box—a cyber world where users can become whoever they wish and explore their deepest sexual desires. People from all walks of life gather in this digital space, some choosing to remain anonymous behind their screens, while others venture beyond the virtual realm to connect in person—or navigate the intriguing space in between. These tales delve into the lives of real individuals seeking to satisfy their desires, even if only through the digital lens of fantasy.

Stories From the Box #1 - Call Me Cub

Alex showed a picture of his tattoo. People had been asking about it since he told them he had one done earlier in the year.

He was sitting at his kitchen table behind his laptop. He had logged on to The Box half an hour ago. The interface of the visual chat box showed a picture of a tropical beach with a little hut on the side. As if standing or sitting on the beach, the avatars with their usernames attached to them were spread around on the screen. The tattoo picture Alex had put up for all to see was a close up, so you couldn’t see what part of his body the tattoo was on. He hadn’t revealed that to anyone yet.

‘I bet that’s your ass,’ Affront said. As usual, he was the first to start teasing Alex. His words appeared in a comic balloon pointing to Affront’s avatar. ‘Does your mistress know you’re showing it to us?’

Balloons with ‘LOL’ appeared all over the screen.

‘He doesn’t have a mistress,’ Milli said. ‘Pay attention, baby.’ She was pinned to Affront. In The Box that meant being a couple. Couples displayed their bond by adding the name of their partner to their username. Braces, brackets and other punctuation marks were used to further visualize the connection. For instance, Milli’s avatar showed Milli~{Affront} and on Affront’s avatar it said Affront~{Milli}.

Alex had no pin to his username, he wasn’t with anyone in The Box. But he showed his preference as a submissive by having written his username in lowercase: cub.

‘A lost and lonesome subbie,’ Affront said, being his cynical self. There were no laughs this time.

Alex removed the picture of his tattoo from the room.

‘I think it’s a very nice tattoo, cub,’ Serena said. She was one of his friends at The Slutty Hut, as this Home was called. Many Homes in The Box had corny names. But none of it was meant to be all that serious. The sexual innuendo was important though. Everyone knew the adult Homes were very much about sex.

Serena was a so-called Prodigy at The Slutty Hut. Owners of Homes bore this title. It also meant that they were apt in programming within The Box, using the computer language the interface was written in. The Box was open to everyone to expand this virtual world. Prodigies enjoyed privileges within their homes. They could add rooms, decorate them, put so-called Scripts inside them to create animations, games and dressing rooms with avatar pictures. Sometimes there were build-in restrictions to what users could do in a room. Or rooms remained hidden for private use. Prodigies could also ban someone from their Home if rules of conduct were exceeded. Being banned actually meant your IP-address was blacklisted for a certain period of time. Although nowadays, with VPN’s this measure was easily bypassed. Unfortunately, there were some notorious pests and bullies in The Box. Mostly men who enjoyed annoying the hell out of everyone. But the majority of people were just looking to spend a good time online.

Serena co-owned The Slutty Hut with a few other women. Alex had stumbled upon it about a year ago and had liked the atmosphere instantly. He enjoyed chatting with Serena the most and visited The Hut daily now. As he lived in Belgium and she was near Los Angeles the time difference between them was nine hours. He usually came home from work around 4:00 p.m. his time. The club where Serena worked at four nights a week closed at around 6:00 a.m. After coming home, she would be too energized to sleep right away. Serena had told Alex that spending some time in The Box with a cup of tea and a sandwich was a perfect way to chill out.

 ‘I didn’t see that pic of your tattoo very well.’ Barby said. She was one of the other homeowners. ‘Is it a sun?’ she asked.

Before Alex could answer her, Affront responded immediately: ‘Put your reading glasses on, granny.’

Affront had chosen his username for a reason. Though he could be funny sometimes, Alex found him mostly crude. The avatars he chose to wear were also typical. They were of models and actors with overly trained bodies like The Rock or Vin Diesel. With these avatars he was obviously stating ‘I’m a tough guy, don’t mess with me’. There were many men like Affront in The Box. But Alex had come to understand by now that in real life most of these men were not that vigorous. He also understood very well that acting out was one of the attractive features of an online double life. It was similar for him, but in a very different way.

‘Yes, it’s a sun,’ Alex answered Barby and ignoring Affront. ‘It’s actually a symbol for the Magnus Chaos.’

‘Is Magnus your pimp?’ Affront said, clearly enjoying his pestering.

‘Ignore him, cub,’ Serena said. ‘The only reason he doesn’t need reading glasses himself is because he’s too dumb to read.’ She was silver-tongued and quick with her typing. You had to be in The Box. A lot of people were quick on their feet with jokes, puns and one liners. The language seemed harsh sometimes, but everyone accepted the banter as part of the fun.

Affront responded to Serena with a Slap-cast. A graphic of a hand appeared on her avatar’s bottom accompanied with the sound of a slap. It was possible to trigger such a basic animation by clicking with your mouse on anyone’s avatar on the screen and typing a specific command. There were many such Casts in The Box. You could blow someone a kiss or draw a heart on them. Or you could switch your own avatar with another picture for a few seconds and accompany it with a sound, for example a laugh combined with a picture of a laughing cartoon character. They were playful tricks that enhanced the user experience. The Box had started in the late 1990s. In those early days you had to write the code yourself to create these Casts, but now there were websites where you could download ready-made Casts and copy-paste them for your own use. If you understood how the code worked, you could alter existing casts and make them into new ones. Some people were very clever in doing this. Alex had never bothered learning it. He’d copied some of the usual casts like the kiss and the slap, but nothing more.

The Slap-cast Affront had put on Serena was accompanied by the sound of a hard slap and a comic balloon that said: ‘Hot damn Baby, you deserved that, and I know you enjoy the after burn!’ This addition Affront had most likely put into the code himself.

‘Don’t you dare slap me again,’ Serena warned, ‘or you’re out of here.’

Affront shut up for a while. He knew that as a Prodigy, Serena was able to ban him for a few hours if he would go on being a nuisance. He would be kicked out of the Home immediately and unable to come back in for as long as Serena saw fit. For Affront that was a bother because of Milli being one of the homeowners. Milli knew that Serena wasn’t too fond of her man, and she’d let her ban him once before. Serena was boss, everyone at The Slutty Hut knew it.

‘So, what is this Magnus thing?’ Serena asked Alex.

‘The Magnus Chaos is from Greek mythology.’ He explained. ‘It’s the super void that came before everything. Like before the Big Bang.’

‘Cool. Show the pic again?’ Serena said.

Alex put up the picture of his tattoo again. It was only a thumbnail, so the details were not very clear.

‘Send me a bigger pic on the PVT,’ Serena said. ‘I like it. It’s very different from the tats I see around here.’

‘Thank you, Mistress. I will do that.’ Alex smiled to himself as he addressed Serena formally. She would probably respond to it, which was exactly what he aimed for. He clicked on the PVT button that opened up a separate window in the interface. PVT was a messenger application within The Box’ interface. You could only add people from The Box on your contact list there. You could chat with them privately, but more importantly share pictures, video’s or any other document. Originally the name PVT was an abbreviation of private, but since the possibility of using a webcam had been added, most people thought PVT stood for Private Video Talk.

Alex looked up a close-up picture of his tattoo in a higher resolution and send it on the PVT-messenger to Serena. Alex added another picture of his naked torso where you could clearly see the tattoo on his left breast. He felt a familiar tingle in his groin as he clicked send. He’d never send Serena a real picture of himself yet. When he had taken the torso picture, he’d thought to use it on The Box for people to see, so he’d made sure his face wasn’t visible.

So now she two reasons to respond to him. First because he had called her Mistress, and second because of sending her a nudie of his torso.

Serena did not respond right away, as if she was thinking about what to say. Alex stared at her avatar. She was wearing one of her usual’s: a picture of tough Latino film star Michelle Rodriguez wearing a white singlet and her hair wild and loose. In the original picture Rodriguez leaned against a tree, but as most avatars were cut outs, Serena had positioned her Ava in such a way that it looked as if she was leaning against the window frame of the Box-interface. Alex liked the Ava very much. It made Serena look like a woman who was very much in control.

‘LOL @ Mistress!’ Serena said to him on PVT.

Alex smiled happily as he read it. ‘Smiles’ he typed in response.

‘You’re a good boy,’ she said.

‘I always try to be,’ he said, hoping she would catch on that he meant it towards her.

‘I know. That’s why I love you, cub.’

Alex stared at that sentence for a moment. Of course, he realized she meant it in a playful way. But it hit him; he wanted to be more to her. Over the past months—since they’d started chatting regularly—Alex’s feelings had grown. Serena’s behavior had shown a clear tendency to be dominant. But she was also very caring towards Alex. He knew that she liked him, but he didn’t know how much and in what way. Especially these last few weeks he’d hoped that she would become more explicit about her feelings towards him. The sentence that he was now staring at was exactly the thing he had wanted to hear.

So there, Serena thought. That will steer his thoughts in the right direction. Let’s see how he responds.

When she’d come online and saw him at The Hut, she knew she wanted to take a step with him. Their conversations these last weeks had been quite intense. Personal and honest. He felt like a close friend which was weird to her, because she didn’t have any, at least not the kind she could trust. Tonight at the club, business had been slow and her mind had wandered off to thoughts about him – and yes, she admitted, also fantasies. She was curious what he looked like in real life. He didn’t even use a real picture of himself on PVT. He had finally showed his tattoo after she and Barby had been nagging him for a pic for months. He was reserved and shy, but in their conversations together he’d been clever and thoughtful. He seemed smart, like he knew life better than she did. Or at least, he could put it better into words. How old was he? Twenty-four? Jeez. She remembered being twenty-four and how she’d fuck things up for herself back then. She was still living the consequences. She loved her kids no doubt, but she’d rather have had them now at thirty-eight in a stable marriage. Does that really exist? Fourteen years ago she’d been drunk and doped, making out with assholes who both disappeared after she’d started showing the bun in the oven. And with her mom being a pro-life-activist, she’d never even considered not having them.

The already hot Californian desert sun peeped through the shades of her living room right on her laptop screen. She moved from the dining table to the couch and put her feet up. What if this cub could see her now in her old cut off sweat pants and the extra-large stripy men’s shirt she’d found at the gym years ago and she’d since used as pyjamas? He’d probably run. Or would he? She would very much like him to stay. An image popped into her mind where he had just woken and stepped drowsily into the living room finding her on the couch. He would sit down next to her and take her feet up on his lap. Softly massaging her weary feet after her long night standing behind the club’s cocktail bar, he would tell her how he’d missed her. How happy he was to have her close by again. He would then move his hands up from her feet to her ankles to her calves to her thighs… Yes, that would be something if she’d had a cub waiting for her at home every morning. Who’d massage and caress her. Who would kiss her passionately and put his soft wet mouth and tongue to her moist pussy lips. Who knew that part of her that was craving for a man that wasn’t just interested in a hard, loveless fuck. She’d had plenty of those. She was safe in The Box. She could think up these images without being disappointed afterwards. Although it didn’t mean she wasn’t longing for the real thing.

Alex suddenly became aware of himself sitting alone at his kitchen table behind his laptop, thousands of miles away from this woman somewhere near the West coast of the US. Is she in her kitchen too? Or on a couch in her living room? What is she wearing? Has she showered after work and put on a bath robe? Or just some shorts and a singlet similar to the one her Ava is wearing? He would never ask her directly. Because he did not dare being so forward but also because it was not his place as a sub to take the first step in asking private real-life questions.

The Box was a way for Alex to act out his submissiveness. It was the place where he’d found out about this part of himself. He loved the idea of women dominating him. It not only aroused him to be owned by a mistress, to be her boy, but he felt comfortable being ancillary. In real life Alex had never had the courage to act on this desire, but in The Box he felt freer to express it. He’d been with a few mistresses since he started interacting in the adult virtual world. The first was Morgana—an English woman from York whose actual name was Vera—and she had been kind to him. She had taught Alex about the lifestyle and he had labored to be a good pupil. But after a while she got pinned to a master, and that man had not allowed her to keep Alex as her cub. He’d never known exactly what age Morgana was, but he’d reckoned she was older than him. Alex had learned from her that cub was a term for a young man who loved older women and he had adopted it as his username after Morgana had let him go. Serena had told him she was thirty-eight and a single mother of two. Alex just turned twenty-four. The thought of becoming her cub made him hard.

In real life he’d never met an older woman who clearly wanted him and he had never dared to give off the right signals himself. There was a woman at the municipality where he worked that he really fancied. She was one of the senior managers at the city council where he’d started working a few months ago. The offices consisted of open spaces with flexible workstations. It was meant to diminish hierarchy and stimulate communication between all levels of employees. So, it was in fact easy and normal for Alex as a junior to casually talk to a senior like Iris Samuels. But he had not even tried to show her his attraction towards her. It all remained a fantasy. Alex had jerked off in the toilets at work as he imagined her pressing her voluptuous body against his in the elevator. He pictured her rubbing his bulge. She would command him that he could not touch her while she would have her way with him. Her slim, long fingers adorned with perfectly varnished nails massaged his throbbing dick as they ascended floor after floor, all the while taking the risk of someone joining them. Just that thought was enough to make him come quicker than getting a coffee from the machine in the cafeteria. She’d be grinning mischievously like the Cheshire Cat as she brought him to a climax. Feeling his warm cream fill up his boxers while their eyes remained locked, clearly satisfied her. Iris would then cup her hand over her nose and mouth, breathing in the musky scent of his cum that had moistened her fingers through his pants. She would whisper a hot ‘good boy’ in his ears, exit the elevator and leave him gasping and panting. If only, he thought to himself. Knowingly craving for more than just a quick elevator fix.

‘I never asked you…’ Serena was typing in PVT. ‘Are you really sub?’

Her question took him by surprise. He’d assumed that she took it for granted because he wore his username in lowercase.

‘Obviously,’ he said.

‘I mean, in real life?’

Now he got a bit nervous about where this conversation was heading. But he also felt a tingle in his belly that quickly worked its way down to his crotch. He didn’t know how to answer right away, but he knew he shouldn’t lie to her.

‘If you don’t want to answer, it’s fine. I’m just being my nosy self.’

She offered him a way out. That was sweet. He was really growing more and more fond of her.

‘It’s ok,’ he typed. ‘But no, I’m not living the lifestyle in real.’

‘Why not?’ she asked.

He had to think about this. It was actually a good question. So, he decided to type it: ‘Good question.’

‘Good answer!’ she said, adding a smiley.

They went silent for a bit. He glanced at the main window of the interface where the conversation at The Hut had continued without them, but it did not interest him. He stared at Serena’s avatar again. He knew she didn’t look like Michelle Rodriguez in real life. Her true picture was up on the PVT. Some people had put up their real-life picture on their profile there, others like Alex shied away from it, still preferring to remain anonymously virtual. Serena had told him that she didn’t mind people she added to her PVT-list knew what she looked like in real. ‘Even if I’m not a film star’, she’d said. But still very pretty, Alex had thought, studying the little thumbnail of her friendly face with her dark brown hair pulled back in a tight ponytail.

‘Sorry hun,’ Serena said. ‘But I have to run. Little one is awake. My mom will be over in 5, so I can crash. Luckily, I’m off tonight, so I guess I’ll be in here again later. We can talk more then.’

‘Ok,’ he typed, disappointed that she was already leaving.

‘You behave,’ she said, adding a wink.

‘Yes Ma’am. Sleep well and sweet dreams.’ Alex typed slowly, prolonging the goodbye.

‘Thank you, cub. Who knows I’ll dream of you.’

‘I would like that.’ He said it out loud in his kitchen as he typed it and smiled big.

‘Sure, you do, you little devil. LOL!’

At The Hut she cast a kiss on him, said goodbye to the rest of the room and logged off. Her avatar immediately disappeared from the screen.

Alex left The Box soon after. He was hungry. He should make dinner for himself. But he went to a pornsite first and jerked off. When he came he thought of Serena. He wanted to fuck her badly. But will she ever allow me to?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

‘Come and sit with me,’ Serena said to him in the Main Hall of The Slutty Hut.

Alex jumped up from his couch. ‘Yes!’ he whooped to the screen of his laptop. Quickly he clicked on her avatar and triggered his Hop over-cast. It made his avatar jump over to hers in an arc. It looked funny as he landed on her lap. Serena now wore an avatar of Johanna Watts. A stalwart looking picture of the actress in a sexy western style outfit, squatting down and gazing defiantly into the lens. Alex switched his Ava into a picture of a handsome young man sitting down with his legs to the side, leaning on one hand. He made sure his Ava was smaller than hers, so the hierarchy between them was visually clear. The Ava turned out to be a good choice, because it now looked as if he cuddled in against her.

‘Looks cozy, Serena,’ Barby said. ‘I didn’t know you were keen on the boy.’

‘I’m cold,’ Serena answered. ‘I forgot my blanket.’ She underlined her irony with a Cast that showed a picture of a toddler exaggeratedly winking accompanied with the text: WINK WINK! Everyone in the room laughed followed by a lot of sexual innuendo.

Alex couldn’t believe what was happening. Is Serena really into me? Is she making a move or is she only playing? How can I make sure it's the former? He would have to be patient and wait and see how things developed. He looked at the clock on the wall of his living room. It was already 1am. He had to be up in 5 hours to get ready for work. He’d waited for her the whole evening with great anticipation. He’d roamed around The Box visiting various Homes, but popping in and out of The Slutty Hut to see if Serena had already logged in. Around midnight he had told himself to log off and go to bed. But he couldn’t make himself do it. He cursed the time difference but stayed. Now it looked like he would be rewarded for his patience.

‘Barby told me you were waiting for me,’ she said to him in Murmur mode. ‘That’s sweet.’

It wasn’t usual for Serena to use Murmur mode. If she wanted to talk to him privately she would use PVT. Murmuring was another way of talking in private to another person in The Box. You’d click on someone’s avatar and everything you’d type would only be readable to that person. But with that simple click mistakes were easily made. People would think that they’d be murmuring and unintendedly say something–very often specific sexy things–to the whole room. It was why Serena disliked murmuring.

‘Yes, I did wait for you.’ Alex said.

‘What’s your real name?’ Serena asked.

Alex now knew for sure she was taking the next step. Asking for someone’s real name meant you were taking a real interest.

‘Alex,’ he said.

There was a pause before she responded. ‘Is it short for Alexander?’

‘Yes. I’m named after my grandmother Alexandra.’ He eagerly waited for her to tell him her real name. He felt the familiar excitement of becoming close to a mistress. The blood was racing through his veins. Soon it would rush towards his cock, making it hard and eager.

‘I guess I’ll have to tell you mine now. It’s only fair.’ She was teasing him. ‘I’m named after my grandfather. He died the year I was born.’ She paused and still didn’t say her name.

‘I’m sorry,’ Alex typed and he waited.

‘He was a horse trader. He worked for stables and traded for them all over the world. He also scouted for them, trying to seek out stallions that the stables might be willing to buy sperm from.’

‘What a remarkable job.’ Alex said with keen interest.

‘Yeah, it’s a real pity I never knew him. I would have loved to hear all his stories. It was a horse that killed him. He got kicked in the head by a prize-winning stallion he had taken to France for a buyer. It was bad luck. They’d unloaded the animal and one of the stable boys there made a mistake. My grandad was a really good horseman. I guess he died in the armor. Anyway. My mom had me the same year and she wanted to honor him. He was the only family she had left.’

‘That’s sad. I’m sorry.’ Alex genuinely felt for Serena after reading her family story.

‘Yeah, it’s a bit of a mess where I come from.’ Serena paused, thinking how easy it felt to open up to this cub called Alex. ‘But we shouldn’t be talking about that shit. Let’s talk happy things.’

She still hadn’t told him her name and Alex now thought she might’ve forgotten about it. But before he could ask her, she’d typed her next murmur.

‘You know I like you, don’t you?’ she said.

His heart pounded in his chest. ‘Yes,’ he typed.

‘These past few weeks I really enjoyed our chats and I think you’re cute.’

‘Thank you.’

There was a long pause. Both of them stared at their screens, guessing where this conversation was going.

‘Did I made you blush?’ she asked.

She’d guessed right. Sitting on his couch with his laptop in front of him he was blushing. He felt thrilled and was eager to let her know how he felt about her. But the words in his head didn’t feel right.

‘I want you to come to my rooms with me, cub. I will show you around and let you pick one for us to spend some time in.’

His breath was heavy now and he felt his body tingle all over. He was hard with excitement. His cock wanted to be released from the strain of his trousers. But he refrained himself. It was not yet time. She should tell him when he could unzip and take his dick out.

‘Okay peeps,’ she typed to the Main Hall. ‘We’re going inside. See y’all later.’

Several balloons popped up in response: ‘Have fun you two!’ ‘Wow Serena!’ ‘Cubby time!’ ‘Don’t spank him too hard!’

Alex had to wait for her to pull him inside. Another one of the privileges Prodigies had. Their private rooms were not publicly listed in the room directory of a Home. You could only get there if a Prodigy pulled you in.

Soon enough the background picture of the interface changed. Alex saw a beautiful photo of a luxurious lodge. It had large windows looking out over a mountainous landscape. At the top of the picture it said ‘Serena’s Refuge’.

‘Welcome,’ she said.

‘Very nice,’ he said.

‘Thanks. You can click on any of the doors here. It will take you to the other rooms. Look around and come back here when you decided which one you want to spend the night.’

Alex swallowed hard. He was panting now. ‘Spend the night’ she’d said. He put his hand on his cock that was pressing against his boxers. ‘No,’ he said to himself, ‘you can’t touch.’ He crossed his legs trying to refrain himself. He concentrated on what Serena had asked him to do. He hovered with his mouse over the clickable areas on the screen. The names of the rooms appeared in small pop-up windows: Playground, Boudoir, Hideout, Walk In, Green Lounge and Pool. He clicked on the first one. This room showed a picture of a space completely filled with mattresses, cushions and pillows. It was like one of those conversation pits from the seventies. On the wall there were drawings of glamour models. He clicked on to the next room called Boudoir. It was a colorful bedroom filled with frills. On the king size bed lay a exquisite plaid duvet with matching cushions. On the wall hung an arty photograph of a young woman in bondage. Alex liked it. Hideout turned out to be the interior of a lavish chalet. It was all wood and adorned with design furniture. It had a huge couch as a central piece. The windows opened up to an impressive panoramic view of a snowy mountain landscape.

Alex had wandered through many rooms at different Homes if they’d been publicly accessible. He liked looking at the pictures people picked out but he had also wondered why people would make all these rooms. Most of the time people spend their time at the main entrance of a Home. That was the place where people met and chatted. The private rooms were of course used for couples to retreat to, but why make so many? They all remained mostly empty. Alex guessed that it was part of people’s virtual fantasy. Like this chalet of Serena. It was a picture she obviously liked. Maybe a house she imagined owning. A chalet like this was a daydream she knew would never materialize in the real world, but here in The Box she owned it nonetheless.

As Alex continued going through Serena’s rooms he thought about what she had told him earlier. The mess as she’d called it. When he clicked into Walk In and he saw the picture of a Kardashian style walk in closet, he knew Serena used these rooms as daydream world of a life she would never had. The Walk In was Serena’s private avatar closet, and Alex thought about the pictures she chose for herself to wear as avatars. They were always beautiful but foremost strong independent women. Sexy but often defiant. She wore avatars that said ‘Don’t think I’m willing just because I show off my body’. Alex clicked on to Green Lounge. It had the picture of an amazing green house where a lounge set was placed in the middle of all the plants and flowers. This one he liked too. It was different from the other rooms. Luxurious sure, but not ostentatious. The Pool was more showy. It had––no surprise––the picture of a pool. Surrounded by large glass windows it gave view to the skyline of a city by night. All around the pool candles were burning on the edges, creating a romantic, sensual atmosphere. It was the kind place that made Alex wonder if there really existed people who owned such an apartment. He went back to Serena who was waiting for him.

‘And?’ she said.

‘They are all very nice.’

‘Thanks. But which one do you pick?’

‘Boudoir,’ he said.

‘Great. It’s my favorite.’

Alex typed S, indicating he was smiling.

In the Boudoir she changed into a couple’s Ava. It showed a mature woman in black lingerie holding a bare-chested young man in a cuddle. Alex’ heart jumped and he quickly switched to blank, meaning he showed no avatar, only his nametag. By moving the tag over the young man in the couple's Ava, it made them look as one avatar of two people sitting on the lush king size bed.

‘That’s better,’ Serena said and she triggered a Kiss-cast. Alex kissed her back.

‘You’re so pretty,’ he said.

‘In this Ava?’ she asked.

‘That too, but I meant your pic on PVT.’

‘Thanks sweetie. I looked better fifteen years ago, but I won’t complain.’

‘Me neither.’ He giggled as he typed.

‘I know you won’t. You’re a good boy and I’m sure you pleased all your mistresses in the past.’

‘I hope so.’

‘Tell me where you are now.’

Alex thought about this for a few seconds. Should I  tell her the truth? Or should I paint her a picture that is maybe more appealing? He decided to stick to the truth.

‘I’m in my living room. On the couch.’

‘I want you to go to your bedroom. Undress for me and sit on your bed.’

A pleasant shiver went down Alex’ spine. ‘Yes Ma’am,’ he said. He immediately took his laptop to his bedroom. His apartment was small so it didn’t take him long to get there. He put the laptop on the bed and undressed. He kept looking at the screen while he took his clothes off. When he was just about to pull down his boxers he saw a text balloon coming up. He went over the laptop to read it.

‘You undressed yet?’ it said.

‘Almost,’ he typed hastily.


‘My boxers.’

‘Still on?’


‘Keep them on. Now sit on the bed with me.’

He positioned himself half upright against the headboard, his laptop on his thighs, right below his erect cock that stretched the elastic cotton of his boxers. He was so aroused by now that a wet spot had already formed from the pre-cum oozing out of his tip.

‘Show me,’ he read when he looked at the screen again. He didn’t immediately get what she meant. He typed a question mark. While he waited for her explanation, it dawned on him that she meant for him to turn on his webcam. Alex was quite shy about it. Now Serena was telling him to do it on their first private evening.

‘I know you’re shy, cub. But this is what I want. Turn your cam on.’

He felt cold and hot at the same time reading her words. His hand was shaking as he clicked the PVT-button. He saw she was logged on already, waiting for him. Suddenly her voice sounded through his speakers:

‘There you are.’

Serena’s webcam was not on, but she had turned on the audio function. She had that typical low female voice that reminded Alex of Hollywood actresses from the fifties like Lana Turner. It sounded sexy as hell to him, and he gasped as he heard her talk to him.

‘It’s the little icon on the left, cub,’ she said teasingly.

Alex stared at the camera icon waiting for him to click on. He felt like a 12-year-old afraid to ask a girl to dance with him. But on contrast to his childhood counterpart, the Alex of 24 was very aware of the sexual urge that was rushing through his body. It’s only stage fright, he told himself as he turned the camera on. He looked up to the little black dot on the edge of his laptop screen that was his webcam.

‘Baby, you’re cute,’ she said.

It made him smile and blush.

‘And there’s that blush,’ she said. ‘God, you are adorable. Are all Belgians as pretty?’

‘Just me,’ he said out loud. As he wanted to type it, he realized that his voice was audible to her too.

‘Lucky for me to have found you,’ she said. Alex could hear her giggle.

No one online or in his real life had called him adorable before. Alex felt overwhelmed by Serena’s fondness for him. His inhibitions about the webcam fell away.

‘Come closer,’ she said with a slight moan in her voice and he chuckled. He leaned forward towards the camera. He pointed to his tattoo.


Serena blinked a few times as she stared at her screen. She’d fantasized about how Alex would look, but now that she saw him she couldn’t believe how gorgeous he was.

 ‘Yes baby,  I can see you alright,’ she said.

Alex took the time to show off his tattoo and torso. He inhaled deeply to heave his chest. He was slightly built but not skinny. He had told her that he worked out by swimming twice a week, so his muscles were well developed. Serena felt a glowing warmth flowing through her. She wanted to touch that torso. To feel his skin as she’d let her fingers glide over it. To explore every inch of it. She’d love to put her lips to his nipples and taste him. Kiss him, lick him, making him have her way with him. In a short flash she envisioned herself crawling up to him. Pushing him into his pillow, she would spread over his face showing him her moist pussy. Her knees on either side of his head, holding on to the headboard, she would slowly lower herself towards his mouth. He would be eager and stretch his neck for the touchdown to happen. But she would tease him and just graze his mouth with her pussy lips. It would make her wetter and he would be able to smell her hot desire for him. The smell would drive him crazy and she would finally lower herself…

Serena shook away the image and with a broad smile on her face she said to her laptop: ‘Cubby, what are you doing to me?’

He smiled into the lens of his webcam. His blue eyes sparkled. She could see that he was enjoying it to show himself off to her. It made her want him even more.

‘Kiss me cub.’

He pouted his lips and he brought the lens slowly to his mouth. He kissed it. Then he held it about 10 centimeters away and stuck out the tip of his tongue and slowly licked his upper lip. Her grunt must’ve echoed through his bedroom.

‘Hold the cam up looking down on your body,’ she said. ‘I want to see how you’re lying there.’

She watched as he took up his laptop and held it next to his head. He positioned it so that it showed what she asked for.

‘Is that what I think it is?’ she said as she noticed the bulge in his boxers. ‘Are you hard for me? Are you horny from hearing my voice?’ She paused. ‘You think you can fuck me, cub?’

She spoke slowly, making sure that every sentence registered with him. It was teasing. She wanted her words to echo in his head. She noticed how the laptop in his hands must be shaking because the webcam was.

‘Let me see what you got there,’ she ordered.

Alex pressed his lips together in nervous anticipation. He put the laptop down again on his thighs. He slowly pulled up the elastic band of his boxers. His cock was eager to be freed and the head popped out. It made Serena gasp. He pulled his boxers further down so his dick stood erect within the frame of his camera. He felt it throb. Showing himself like this to her excited him immensely. It was stronger than ever before.

‘That’s a nice one,’ she gasped. He could hear that her voice had changed. She was excited now too. Her breathing was heavier.

‘Touch yourself for me, baby,’ she whispered.

He took his cock in hand and started to slowly stroke it. He focused on the screen of his laptop. They were still on the bed together there in the Boudoir. Feeling his actual sheets beneath him, made it easy for him to imagine lying there with her. Feeling her skin on his, her hot breath close to his ear. She would softly moan watching him jerk off. Whispering how she would love him to cum on her tits.

‘Baby, that looks so hot, I wish I could taste that sweet fucking cock of yours.’ She sighed saying it and he could feel the effect it had right in his crown. It made him jerk faster.

‘Yes, like that,’ she said. ‘I want you to get that cock harder and pine for release.’

He had been so excited already since she’d logged back on that evening that it felt like he could come right then and there. But he wanted to make it last for her and slowed down a bit. He saw more pre-cum oozing out and leaned in towards the camera to show her. He got up on his knees so his dick was right in front of the camera. She got a close up now. Alex rubbed his tip with one finger smearing the juice so it made it glisten. He then fell back again so she would see his face and stuck his finger in his mouth, sucking it clean.

‘Fuck…’ she groaned.

He continued jerking off.

‘Stop. Wait.’ Serena was out of breath. ‘Let’s do this together.’ It was too much watching him like this without getting into it herself. And she wanted him to see her desire. As she put on her webcam she saw him lean in to click on ‘accept incoming webcam’. He was panting with anticipation, eager to see her. She’d also lied down on her bed with her laptop. She only wore her old sleeping shirt. She positioned her laptop between her spread legs. She covered her slit with one hand and with the other she opened her shirt. She smiled naughtily towards the webcam as she saw him staring at his screen. She knew he liked what he saw. Her perky boobs out in the open, her nipples erect.

 ‘There we go baby,’ she said.

She’s beautiful… Alex watched her spread her pussy lips with her fingers, showing him her slit. She was wet already. How he would love to lick her. To taste the sweetness of her. He longed to feel her shudder to a climax as his tongue would lick and suck her swollen clit. When she started to slowly rub herself, Alex was enthralled watching her and continued to stroke his now hard, throbbing cock.

Fuck, what am I doing? Yes, she had wanted to cybersex with her webcam for some time now. And yes, this young man from Belgium had her excited from day one, but she was amazed at her own forwardness tonight. But it felt natural with him, she had hardly thought about it, she’d done it on instinct. And now, being naked in front of her webcam and watching him jerk off as she was pleasuring herself, she felt so aroused that it wouldn’t take long for her to come. She grabbed her tit with one hand as she kept rubbing her moist lips and clit. She pulled her hard nipple and pulled it to feel the stingy pain that she loved. She kept watching him jerking off his beautiful cock. She felt her pussy getting wetter, her juices were flowing and deep inside her an orgasm was building up. She wished he was there to fuck her.

‘Baby,’ she panted, ‘I want you to fuck me so hard.’ She rubbed herself frantically as she wanted to come now. She could see he was close too.

‘Come for me!’ she moaned.

He jerked fast and hard and called out to her. ‘Please yes, let me!’

‘Do it baby, give me your load,’ she panted.

She saw his cream shoot out of his cock and the sight of it made her come too. She moaned loudly as the pleasure waves shook her body. Her belly contracted and released as she grabbed her pussy hard and clenched her legs together. She saw Alex shaking and how he convulsed while the last of his cum dripped out of his cock. He looks so beautiful. A young man covered in his own cum was something she enjoyed looking at.

‘I’m so happy you came,’ he said. ‘You are beautiful to watch.’

‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘I loved seeing you come for me, Alex.’

It felt strange saying his name and it made her realize she had never told him her real name. The coincidence was just weird, so telling him about her grandad had been a welcome distraction. She pulled up a sheet to cover herself and she drew her laptop up on her belly. She studied his cute face for a while. Could this develop into something more than a one-night stand? Sure, it was only online, but she could not deal with a real-life relationship yet. This boy far away in Europe somewhere made her happy, made her feel good about herself. She hadn’t felt like that for some time.

‘I never told you my name,’ she said to him. ‘Isn’t that bad of me?’ She laughed.

Alex said he liked hearing her laugh. He too had snuggled under the covers. He waited for her to continue.

‘The weird thing is that my grandad was called Alexander,’ she said. ‘My official name is Alexandra, but I’m always called Alex.’ She saw his surprise and then his smile.

‘I never believed in fate,’ he said. ‘But this is really something.’

‘I know. Next time we come together we can scream our own names. That’d be totally fucked up.’ She guffawed.

‘Next time?’ he asked playfully naive.

She paused before answering him. ‘Yes baby. You’re mine now.’

‘You make me so happy,’ he sighed.

‘I am happy too, babe. But our names are confusing.’

‘Just call me cub.’

She went quiet when she heard how tender and sincere he’d said it. Could it be that his devotion to me is real somehow? That maybe despite the distance between ius I can can feel close to him? Closer than I dare to? Or is it just the soothing after effect of the orgasm making me sentimental? She was willing to find out though. But her boy had to sleep first. The Californian sun stood still high and cast beams of light through the shades on her bedroom floor. She’d love to sneak into his dark bedroom and slumber into a long carefree dream. Because there in Belgium it was way past midnight.

‘I should let you have your beauty sleep,’ she said.

Alex smiled and nodded. ‘Yes, it’s late here.’

‘Sleep well baby,’ she said and blew him a kiss. Jokingly she pulled her cover away for a second, flashing him a boob. He laughed and blew another kiss. He had only a few hours of sleep left now. But he didn’t really care. He was on a high. Alex lingered watching her log off from The Box. He stared at his laptop screen as the couple’s avatar disappeared, leaving just his nametag ‘cub’ on the bed of Serena’s Boudoir.


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