Days later I still can’t help the kicking feet, goofy grin and happy noises combo that comes over me every time I think about Saturday night with Leo.
After we kissed some more, he walked me home. Only it took a lot longer than it should have done because we seemed to stop at every other corner to kiss again. And then we would amble slowly a bit further, holding hands and trading glances that swapped between shy and heated.
It was perfect.
Even when he kissed me goodnight on the doorstep and we suddenly found ourselves bathed in a spotlight as Jas flicked the porch light on and off where she’d obviously been watching for us to arrive, we were able to laugh about it before he left, and I waited until he crossed the road back towards the station and I couldn’t see him anymore.
Jas finally managed to haul me inside where she and Sal had clearly been waiting up to debrief my evening. They didn’t really get the classical music thing, but they made all the appropriate squealy and swoony noises when I relived the kisses for them, my face burning from the very happy blushes.
I didn’t think it was likely that I’d sleep anyway, with images of Leo replaying in my mind. Leo at the piano, Leo in his tux, Leo walking towards me, Leo pulling me into his arms and half growling my name before his mouth claimed mine. And then my phone...