Kink So Real, Chapter 4: Living Your Truths

Gloria Brame

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Love at First Sight
Second Chances
BDSM (Dominant & Submissive)
Straight or Heterosexual
After experiencing an intense session with a woman grappling with shame over her fetish, Corey realizes that his wife, Jax, was right: working for real money as a professional dominant was freeing his soul! The more he considered the positive changes he was going through, the better he felt about himself, his life, and his beloved wife.


A single life is saturated with dozens of other lives, secret

lives, old lives, fantasy lives, dream lives, the lives we

could have chosen, the lives we hated living, and the

lives we choose. Corey’s journey took him from son to

husband to father, from sub to slave to master, in an

endlessly dimensional spiral into self-knowledge.

When Corey saw his wife’s name on his phone, he excitedly answered. He needed to talk to her, to tell her what he had learned today.

“Hello, darling!” he boomed into the phone. “I was hoping I’d hear from you.”

“Hey, baby, just checking in with you to see how it went,” Jax said.

“Good, good,” he said, as he changed into his street clothes, hopping around on one bare foot and then crawling under the bed to locate his missing loafer.

“No issues, no problems?”

“No, not really. Well, right at the end, she told me she loved me,” he admitted. “I don’t know how to feel about that.”

Jax laughed. “Yeah, that happens. Don’t worry about it. Think of it as sex talk, Corey. It’s what she needed to say as part of the catharsis.”

“She had a whole lot of catharsis,” he said. “Like so much. Catharsis! So many orgasms I lost track.”

“That means you’re very good at your job! Congrats. This Master thing is working out for you. I knew it would. Did you

like her?”

“I did! She was very sweet and easy. Not much of a...


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