Virtually Me: Chapter Three

Violet Rose

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LGBTQ (Transgender)
Vic's world has just been shattered. He's not who he thought he was. Can his new friends help him navigate this void and find himself?


Jess stepped forward. She raised her arms slightly in front of her. Even in his despondent state, Vic understood that she was offering a hug, but not if he didn’t want one.

He needed one. He stepped forward and hugged her around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. “I don’t know what’s happening!” he said, his voice shaking. He didn’t want to cry again. He forced that shit back as hard as he could.

He kept thinking he was hugging Jess for too long, but she made no move to pull back. He barely knew her, but she was there for him. And right now she was the only person who could be there for him, the only person who seemed like she might understand what was happening to him.

Finally, he was breathing normally again. He loosened his grip. Jess lowered her arms, but didn’t completely let him go. He looked into her eyes. Her expression was compassionate, knowing.

“Vic, I know we’ve only just met, but I think you need someone to be with right now, and it’s a good bet that you feel like you can’t go to the other people in your life.”

Vic nodded. He continued to stare into Jess’ green eyes.

“Cassie is going to close up the shop, and we’re going to order pizza. Stay with us and talk. I promise you’ll feel better afterward.”

“Well, I couldn’t feel worse.” Vic’s voice still felt small. At least he wasn’t trembling anymore....


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