Chapter 1
I don't remember anything before the pet shop. I spent my days behind glass watching the many different types of people come and go, and if I was lucky, sometimes they would even pay attention to me. This was my favorite part of the day.
After the sky got dark, no more people came, and I was allowed to leave my display case. I always wanted to go outside, but they would never let me. The rest of the pet shop contained a playroom, bedroom, and bathroom. I would always go to the playroom to be with the other cats. I would spend hours playing with them, but eventually they made us go to sleep.
There were quite a few other cats, but I didn't know how to count that many. After bedtime, it was morning, and I had to prepare myself for my next day on display. This was one of the few things they taught me at the pet shop. I was happy they taught me how to look pretty, and I put a lot of effort into it in the hopes that someone would buy me.
Over time, I learned how to get more attention by mimicking the other cats. Pawing at the glass and staring up at their eyes made most people think I was cute. I liked being cute. Some people responded more positively if I danced for them or touched my sensitive parts.
Late one day, just before it got dark out,...